
Most of us will have come across descriptions of successful people where words such as ‘persistence’, ‘perseverance’, ‘tenacity’ and ‘stickability’ have been used to describe them. It is a fact that when we adopt these kinds of traits and incorporate them into our daily lives, we are much better equipped …

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Assertiveness Training and Increasing Self Esteem

We will have all had experiences where an understanding of assertiveness training would have come in very useful. For example you might have really wanted to say something to somebody but ended up saying nothing for fear of causing an argument or perhaps you’ve ended up having a violent outburst …

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Integrity and Honesty : Important Attributes

Having integrity and being honest are fundamental requirements if you want to grow spiritually and follow your true destination of personal development. It’s not simply about being honest with people. Whilst that will make you a better person and a more accepted one it’s more importantly about being honest with …

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Taking Responsibility for Your Actions

When we make excuses or try to blame other people or external factors for the eventual outcome of something, not only are we failing to take responsibility, but we are demonstrating a character trait which is very common in people who fail to succeed in anything. In shouldering responsibility ourselves, …

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Fighting Peer Pressure

When we think of the term ‘peer pressure’ most of us will equate that with our teenage years when we might have been on the receiving end of a group of our so called ‘friends’ trying to coerce us into doing something we did not want to do or which …

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Expressing Your Feeling Before They Become Destructive

One of the problems with feeling negative about life is that although we are all born with the ability to express a whole range of emotions such as pain terror, joy, rage, sadness, happiness etc., we are also often brought up to keep our negative emotions hidden. For example, you’ll …

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Finding the Right Life Coach for Your Needs

After much careful thought, consideration and acceptance you have identified that you need the assistance of a qualified Life Coaching expert, in order to create some positive changes in your life. But how do you find the right kind of help for you? Do you pick up the local telephone …

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Making Decisions

From the moment we get up of a morning to when we turn the light off and go to sleep at night all of us have to make decisions. Many of these will be trivial and made subconsciously but they will be decisions we have taken nevertheless. For example, decision …

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What is Cosmic Coaching & How Does it Work?

Cosmic coaching is a form of personal development whereby you take on a life coach whose aim it is to enable you to discover your ‘real self’ and true purpose in life. It differs from usual coaching in that it places emphasis on astrology and of the timing and cosmic …

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How to Create Your Own Success

If you want to lead the kind of life you dream about you will have to take charge of creating positive changes to the way you think and also do things. Opening yourself up to opportunities, by changing the way you usually handle tasks and the manner in which you …

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