Family Relationships

The family is one of the most important aspects of a person’s life and is equally one of the most crucial factors in determining how a child turns out as an adult. Your family defines who you are as a person. Family enables us to feel a sense of belonging …

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Coping With Bereavement

Coping with bereavement is something we will all experience sooner or later. Nothing can really prepare you for the loss of a loved one and people react differently to the loss. However it is totally natural to feel a whole wave of different emotions which can often be very confusing …

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Marriage is probably the biggest commitment many of us will make in our entire lives and whilst we will enter into this bond with the utmost determination to make it succeed for life, we’ll also be only too aware of the divorce statistics and will appreciate the fact that whilst …

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Developing Meaningful Friendships

We all like to be popular. Whether it’s the number of people in our social circle down at the pub or the number of entries in our mobile phone address book we would all like to feel as though we have a good number of friends. However, when we analyse …

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Recognising if a Friendship is Worth Saving or Halting

Good friendships are vitally important to our lives. They provide support, can help to keep us grounded and can cheer us up. We are often drawn to people who share similar common values and interests. That’s not to say that we’ll always agree with our friends or that we’ll all …

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Moving on After a Relationship Ends

People experience a wide range of emotions when a relationship ends and no two people experience it in exactly the same way or take exactly the same length of time to get over it. However, although it may not feel like it at the time, you can move on with …

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Going Back Into Dating After Some Time

With divorce continually on the increase many men and women will have to experience single life once again. For some people it may give them a new lease of life and an opportunity to explore experiences you can’t really enjoy as much as part of a couple – solo adventure …

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Coping with the Break up of a Relationship

As adults we find ourselves having to deal with many unsavoury and unpleasant events during the course of our lives; bereavement, rejection, financial problems – and one of the most difficult periods in our adult lives is when we suffer the break up of a relationship. Relationship Break Up It …

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Learn to be a Good Listener

Good listeners are surprisingly rare. Hearing people and properly listening to them are two separate processes and unfortunately, the two don’t coincide particularly often. The key ingredient of good listening is the providing of support. That is not to say that the listener agrees unconditionally with everything that the speaker …

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Accepting Other Peoples Differences

We are all the products of our own individual upbringing and experiences so it is completely natural that we will all have differences in opinions on a wide range of issues. The world would be a very dull place if we were all the same and it’s the incredible diversity …

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