Finding the Right Life Coach for Your Needs

After much careful thought, consideration and acceptance you have identified that you need the assistance of a qualified Life Coaching expert, in order to create some positive changes in your life. But how do you find the right kind of help for you? Do you pick up the local telephone directory or do you get online and trawl through a multitude of websites? Or do you pester everyone you know, who may have previously employed the services of a Life Coach, in the hope that a verbal recommendation will help you decide?

Where personal services, that are unique to your problem, issue or situation, are concerned you should be prepared to do a little research and to trust your gut feeling about your choices and preferences. What you are generally drawn to tends to be what will work best for you at that moment in time.

Personal Services

Personal development is now a booming industry and Life Coaches jostle for business alongside Personal Fitness Trainers, Spiritual Advisors and numerous other professional life enhancers. In order to enlist the help of the right type of coach for your requirements you will need to identify exactly what your requirements are. Do you want to focus on issues relating to your career, relationships, appearance, self-confidence or anything else that is specific? Knowing what area of your life you want to improve the most is the starting point, from which you can begin your search for the ideal kind of support.

Once you have acknowledged what it is you want to focus on changing you will be able to start looking for a professional who specialises in this area. Whilst generic coaching will enhance your confidence and self-esteem, and help you identify goals and how to work towards them progressively, you will get far more from the coaching experience if you seek the help of a trained professional who concentrates on a particular specialism.


Most Life Coaches will be happy to offer you a free introductory session. This allows the professional to outline how they work, the commitment you are expected to make and the fees they will charge for their services. The initial telephone conversation or meeting will generally take place after you have contacted a Coach to request information, and will help you to fully understand how the coaching process works.

The introductory session also provides you with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, and to get a feel for the way the Coach works. You will also be able to see if there is any natural rapport between you and to get some idea of whether or not you would feel comfortable expressing personal concerns and information to this person.

Worth Remembering

You must remember that you are paying for the services of a Life Coach. This means that although they are in charge of setting you challenges and pointing you in the right direction you will still have to make a commitment to the coaching relationship and to yourself. Paying for a service will encourage you to stay focused, in order to get your money’s worth if nothing else. If however, you feel the Coach isn’t providing the level of service, or motivation, you expect you are within your rights to terminate the coaching contract.

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