Going Back Into Dating After Some Time

With divorce continually on the increase many men and women will have to experience single life once again.

For some people it may give them a new lease of life and an opportunity to explore experiences you can’t really enjoy as much as part of a couple – solo adventure holidays, spending time socialising with friends and doing spontaneous, last minute things. Some people however simply miss the companionship and may feel out on a limb.

Whilst singledom can be embraced in many positive ways sooner or later a man or woman will want to spend one-to-one intimate time with another person. Going back into the dating game, after a long break however, can throw up some unexpected challenges.

Knowing What You Want And Don’t Want

Before you sign up to any dating websites or agencies, or allow a friend to drag you along to the latest Speed Dating event in your area, take a moment to stop and think about what you ideally want. Just because you are single it doesn’t mean you have to be out there looking for Mr or Ms Right straight away.

You may decide you would rather spend your leisure time in the company of good friends, who might eventually get round to introducing you to their lovely single friends. Or you may prefer to take up a new hobby or sport and would like to think that you may encounter attractive like-minded people whilst keeping fit or learning something new.

Unless you know what you want you will waste a lot of time, effort and also possibly money, doing the things that don’t match up to potentially fulfil your requirements.

Easy Does It

In order to overcome your initial fear of dating again you will have to take the plunge sooner or later. How you decide to do this is up to you, although there are a vast number of options available.

Online Dating, Speed Dating and Singles Dinner Party events, Lock & Key parties, Lonely Hearts columns or Blind Dating can all be lots of fun but may also be a little overwhelming.

You will understandably be apprehensive and nervous about entering the dating arena again, but one empowering thought to remember is that the person you are on a date with is most probably just as anxious as you. It only takes a smile to break the ice so if you project a confident, happy you everything will be fine.

Dating Do’s And Don’ts

Its easy to let excitement get the better of you but keeping a check on the following will help you ease back into dating.


Smile and project a confident personality. No-one wants to date someone who is miserable.

Leave your past in the past. There is no need to curse your ex or list all your previous relationship issues. A date is just an opportunity to meet and talk to someone new.

Be yourself. Don’t go along with something just because your date suggests it. Being true to yourself will show them you have a strong personality and know what you want from life.


Don’t make it a big deal. A date is a meeting of two people, regardless of the location. Whether it’s a drink in a bar, a walk in the park or a dinner party, relax and enjoy the occasion.

Don’t put on an act. Unless your date has stand-up comedian potential its not necessary to laugh hysterically at everything that comes out of their mouth. Be yourself and respond accordingly.

Don’t forget that there are plenty more fish in the sea. Even if your date is a disaster it doesn’t mean the next one will be. Enjoying every occasion, whatever the outcome, will enable you to grow in social confidence and look forward to increasing your network of friends – male and female.

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